As leaders in our industry, we feel it is important for our team to share and learn with our industry peers. The time we commit to local industry organizations only helps us better understand how we can improve on our project collaboration, development approach, and establish stronger teaming opportunities while maintaining the most up to date knowledge in our market. We accomplish these goals through participating and supporting industry organizations like:
American Institute of Architects (AIA):
Association of General Contractors (AGC):
Association of the Wall & Ceiling Industries:
Central City Association (CCA):
Construction Management Association of America (CMAA):
Construction Owners Association of America (COAA):
Finishing Contractors Association (FCA):
International Interiors Design Association (IIDA):
International Union of Painters & Allied Trades Union (IUPATU):
Los Angeles Headquarters Association (LAHQ):
Project Management Institute (PMI):
Southern California Development Forum (SCDF):
United Brotherhood of the Carpenters (UBC):
USC Architectural Guild Association:
Western Wall Ceiling Contractors Association (WWCCA):
Safe Practices amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

After several months of stay-at-home orders, all 50 states are currently in the process of reopening to some degree. But the lift on restrictions does not mean the risk of COVID-19 has diminished. State lockdowns were not meant to be long-term solutions to the pandemic. They were intended to give hospitals a chance to prepare for an influx of patients, give researchers time to learn more about the new coronavirus, and slow the spread of COVID-19. However, the reopening of businesses, parks, beaches and other common areas have led many people to return to unsafe behaviors such as gathering in large crowds, and not practicing the required safety guidelines potentially contributing to a surge in cases. In an effort to keep our families and co-workers safe, Sharpe Interior Systems, Inc. asks that each employee continue to practice all safety guidelines as prescribed by the Centers for Disease Control, City Building & Safety and State Health Departments.
In addition to the required safety guidelines, the Sharpe Management Team is continually looking for opportunities to create a safe work environment for all. Sharpe Interior Systems, Inc. ordered Kline Tradesman Pro Tough Box 17-Quart Coolers for all our field workers. City Building & Safety has closed off common areas in construction sites, designated lunch truck restriction and mandated strict distancing orders. The Kline Cooler provides comfortable seating with physical distancing in mind. The use of the cooler also helps achieve a more productive, healthy and cost-effective lunch break while making the best use of time. Also included with the cooler is a "healthy recipes" menu. We encourage our workforce to make good use of these resources and continue to execute all COVID-19 safety guidelines while at work and at home.